Understanding System Characteristics of Online Erasure Coding on Scalable, Distributed and Large-Scale SSD Array Systems
Published in IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 2017
Large-scale systems with arrays of solid state disks (SSDs) have become increasingly common in many computing segments. To make such systems resilient, we can adopt erasure coding such as Reed-Solomon (RS) code as an alternative to replication because erasure coding can offer a significantly lower storage cost than replication. To understand the impact of using erasure coding on system performance and other system aspects such as CPU utilization and network traffic, we build a storage cluster consisting of approximately one hundred processor cores with more than fifty high-performance SSDs, and evaluate the cluster with a popular open-source distributed parallel file system, Ceph. Then we analyze behaviors of systems adopting erasure coding from the following five viewpoints, compared with those of systems using replication: (1) storage system I/O performance; (2) computing and software overheads; (3) I/O amplification; (4) network traffic among storage nodes; (5) the impact of physical data layout on performance of RS-coded SSD arrays. For all these analyses, we examine two representative RS configurations, which are used by Google and Facebook file systems, and compare them with triple replication that a typical parallel file system employs as a default fault tolerance mechanism. Lastly, we collect 54 block-level traces from the cluster and make them available for other researchers.
Recommended citation: Koh, Sungjoon, Jie Zhang, Miryeong Kwon, Jungyeon Yoon, David Donofrio, Nam Sung Kim, and Myoungsoo Jung. “Understanding system characteristics of online erasure coding on scalable, distributed and large-scale SSD array systems.” In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), pp. 76-86. IEEE, 2017.